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Corporate tax not a fix

Dear Editor: Re: Financial woes are getting worse, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 7, 2011 As a student, I have been encouraged to analyze political topics and to take my own stance on the problem. The B.C.

Dear Editor:

Re: Financial woes are getting worse, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 7, 2011

As a student, I have been encouraged to analyze political topics and to take my own stance on the problem.

The B.C. government should not increase corporate taxes, as that will only affect the employees in wage cuts or job loss. However, the government should investigate the ridiculously high wages of CEOs.

CEOs reward themselves while they watch their companies crumble, file for bankruptcy and then plead to the government for financial aid. I want to know how they are able to look at themselves after cutting thousands of employees, knowing that they raised their own wages again.

A million dollars in the bank is not a necessity. Increasing corporate taxes would only allow short-term recovery; I don't think that's exactly what the people of British Columbia really want from our new Liberal government.

Joanne Hui, Burnaby