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Deliberate avoidance?

Dear Editor: We are told that campaign disclosure documents from the last municipal election are supposed to be made available for public viewing.

Dear Editor:

We are told that campaign disclosure documents from the last municipal election are supposed to be made available for public viewing. Apparently they are, if you are able to get yourself down to city hall and find the city clerk's office and fumble with a huge binder (likely the only copy in existence) and then not be duped by several red herrings, and should you have the grit and determination and perseverance to dig to the very bottom of this tome, you may eventually find figures that are (purportedly) the statements for which Mr. Lau came seeking.

Were I of a suspicious nature, I might believe that this was a deliberate ruse, to deflect the fact that almost all their funding came from the treasuries of the workers' unions without them having much say in the matter, and who may not ascribe to the parties being funded.

I mean, just because you're paranoid isn't to say that they're not out to get your money.

Congratulations to Alfie Lau for having the tenacity of a terrier in digging up and uncovering the truth.

Larry Bennett, Burnaby