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Dog owners deserve more

Dear Editor: Re: Remember leash laws, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 11. I am a homeowner and dog owner in Burnaby. There are thousands of dog-owning taxpayers in Burnaby.

Dear Editor:

Re: Remember leash laws, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 11.

I am a homeowner and dog owner in Burnaby.

There are thousands of dog-owning taxpayers in Burnaby.

Our taxes (including licence fees) pay for the exceptional upkeep of Burnaby parks, including Confederation Park, its new state-of-the-art track and the well-maintained and drained play fields that are now off-leash.

The huge off-leash area at Confederation Park is basically a fenced swamp.

When dog owners complain to the city, they dump in another layer of bark mulch, which in short time breaks down and makes the swamps even deeper.

Since our parks are meant for multiple uses, then the users of the off-leash area are just as entitled to a properly maintained, drained and clean environment as the rest of the park users.

Until then, there will be dog owners who will use the maintained areas of the park that they also pay for.

Liz Engel, Burnaby