Dear Editor:
I agree with Keith Baldrey's viewpoint that there is genuine resentment to more taxation (Has B.C. reached breaking point? In My Opinion, Burnaby NOW, July 27).
As a retired person living on a fixed income, taxation has reached and exceeded its limit for me. I worked in the public sector for 25 years and was always amazed at the waste that exists. Unfortunately, the local city politicians cannot admit that there are excesses and waste in the system.
The unions who contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to successful electoral campaigns are the recipients of this waste.
Burnaby is a prime example of overtaxation. Despite its massive reserves, Burnaby continues to tax as if it has shortfalls.
It is particularly infuriating to see the sitting council and mayor receive up to $15,000 tax free to cover expenses and then award themselves an additional $300 a month gas allowance. Is their gas not covered in the tax free portion of expenses? Enough already.
Ray Power, Burnaby