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Enough with teachers' whining

Dear Editor: Is it just me, or other people tired about hearing about how much money the teachers make? I don't think most of us go to the media to complain about how crappy our working conditions are.

Dear Editor:

Is it just me, or other people tired about hearing about how much money the teachers make? I don't think most of us go to the media to complain about how crappy our working conditions are.

Let's see if I got this straight; a four-year degree in anything plus a one-year teaching certificate will get you a 9-to-3 gig with an hour for lunch, nine to 10 weeks off in the summer, a week at Christmas and another one at spring break. Also various ProD days, paid sick days, defined pension package and $70,000 after 10 years.

Sounds pretty good to me. Let's not forget, no matter how bad the teacher is, it is next to impossible to be fired. One would think with the glut of teachers available that maybe the pay scale is a little too high for most taxpayers to bear.

Fred Halldorson, Burnaby