Dear Editor:
Re: Protesters help terrorism, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 24.
I don't know how Mr. Eckardt arrived at this latest conspiracy theory, regarding anti-pipeline protesters assisting terrorism, however it really is outside the box. It sounds like this should be played on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theories or a really good topic for Fox TV.
We all now know Mr. Eckardt's views on environmentalists, as cave-dwelling Neanderthals, and now we are being presented with his new neo-con scare tactics and conspiracy theories. Will this never end? It seems to be outside his grasp to see that there are other points of view out there besides his own and that they are not out to ruin the world.
One thing we never hear about from these folks is how much money is being put into convincing the public that there are really no environmental concerns. Yep, these are funded by American corporations and their lobbying efforts. People outside of our borders. What a breaking story.
Clean air, clean water and non-polluting energy should be the number 1 concerns going forward. These are life concerns for future generations.
Lou Kaiser, Burnaby