Dear Editor:
Finance Minister Kevin Falcon describes the PST as "stupid." As someone who voted against his government's alternative - the HST - I find his remark disrespectful and, for a politician, a totally dumb thing to say.
Moreover, I resent him trying to guilt me and the majority of other HST referendum voters by stressing that low-income earners will no longer be eligible for the (up to) $230 a year HST tax credit.
He conveniently doesn't mention the tax savings that will occur under the PST with respect to items that once again will be tax exempt.
If Falcon still feels there is an imbalance, there are many ways he can correct it, not the least of which is the introduction of a fairer and more just tax system.
The fact that he has not done so as finance minister speaks volumes about his supposed concern for those at the bottom of the income scale. But maybe he's too busy licking old wounds.
Bill Brassington, Burnaby