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Fundamental changes needed

Dear Editor: Thank you for your editorial on the global warming crisis, Nature won't wait while we keep stalling, Our View, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 9. This issue doesn't get the attention it deserves in Canada.

Dear Editor:

Thank you for your editorial on the global warming crisis, Nature won't wait while we keep stalling, Our View, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 9.

This issue doesn't get the attention it deserves in Canada. The Global Carbon Project estimates 10 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases were emitted in 2010. That works out to be about 1.43 tonnes per person.

According to The Montreal Gazette, Canada alone emitted 690 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2009, or 20 tonnes per person - 14 times the world average!

High levels are largely because of increased emissions related to the extraction from Alberta's oilsands, but that is not the only source. An average car driver can easily produce over six tonnes of GHGs per year. Any hope of reducing our emissions will require fundamental changes in our attitudes and actions.

Rick McGowan, Burnaby municipal Greens