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Global warming no joke

Dear Editor: When I read E.W. Bopp's Dec. 23 letter (Let Kyoto stay buried), the first thing that happened is that I fell off my chair in shock.

Dear Editor:

When I read E.W. Bopp's Dec. 23 letter (Let Kyoto stay buried), the first thing that happened is that I fell off my chair in shock. It's 2012, and global warming deniers are still spouting their nonsense? Then I read the letter again, and I realized that all E.W. was saying is that he or she supports the Conservative ideology; the rest of his or her letter is gibberish.

Al Gore is not a scientist. He does not claim to be. An Inconvenient Truth is not a science movie and does not claim to be.

But to reject An Inconvenient Truth because it is not a science movie is as ridiculous as rejecting Newton's Laws because they do not describe relativistic effects.

Newton's laws work very well for ordinary motion. They work so well that we can consistently send spacecraft to any desired point in the solar system.

What Al Gore has done with An Inconvenient Truth is take the best available science on global warming and express the results succinctly in lay terms. Al Gore has thereby made this information available to billions of people, and that is a major accomplishment.

Anyone who wants to dig into the science of global warming can go to Joe Romm's website and start studying. Be warned, this is not for the faint of heart. Not only is there a flood of hard data and good analysis there, but the real story is far, far worse than the mainstream media is telling us.

The bottom line is that global warming is real, we are the main cause, and not dealing with it now and yesterday is going to be far more expensive than we will like.

There are certain moneyed interests that benefit from global inaction on global warming. It is these interests that need shills like E.W. Bopp to spout their mendacious nonsense.

Victor Finberg, Burnaby