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Government tactics questionable

Dear Editor: As a teacher in Burnaby I have a strong interest in seeing the strike/lockout resolved by September. We all want to go back to school. But when the government offered its $40/day subsidy to parents, they threw gas on the fire.

Dear Editor:

As a teacher in Burnaby I have a strong interest in seeing the strike/lockout resolved by September.  We all want to go back to school. But when the government offered its $40/day subsidy to parents, they threw gas on the fire. I have three questions for the Minister of Education:

First, where will the qualified child-care workers and tutors come from? There probably isn’t even enough time or capacity to process the criminal record checks necessary for these tens of thousands of caregivers, even if there were places for them to work. Perhaps parents are to entrust their children to some strangers from Craigslist.

Secondly, will this money be clawed back from parents on income assistance? If so, they will not be able to afford any services for their children – and again we see the provincial government perpetuating child poverty. Also, will the subsidy be taxed back from higher income brackets?

Third, isn’t this plan bargaining in bad faith?  The government is making plans to replace teachers the week before discussion resumes.

Fortunately, I know that British Columbians are not so foolish as to be bribed with their own money. I urge the government to get back to negotiating, appoint a mediator and apply the educational resources to improving our system rather than to insulting teachers.

Donna Morgan,