Dear Editor:
Re: Which "taxpayers" are you speaking for?, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 19.
I think I could possibly demystify, or at least lessen, some of Bill Phelps' bewilderment regarding the "financial backers" of Mr. Jordan Bateman and the Canadian Taxpayers' Federation.
While I haven't gone through all my chequing records, I do seem to recall sending out a few donations to said federation. There! I've confessed to helping to support this "right-wing naysayer."
Then, Carl Dillon comments and, though I am unsure of his affiliations, I am somewhat suspicious.
I would admit to being anti-union were I not a member of one, and though being off work for some time because of illness, I am not paid for those "sick" days. It is required that I apply to employment insurance.
It would be only fair to say the employer paid half my payments up to this point. Of course, it goes without saying union dues are not put in abeyance but must be paid.
Though Mr. Dillon is in favour of the paying of sick days (or banking them) for all civil servants and employees of other Crown corporations, etc., he must now realize that the general population of working people are tired of this unfairness, and it is already occurring in the province to our east, that changes are in the wind. Perhaps some of that will trickle down on those with little or no coverage of that sort.
Larry Bennett, Burnaby