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Leave the chickens alone

Dear Editor: Re: Why has city chickened out?, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, April 27. I can't believe that the chickens issue has hatched again.

Dear Editor:

Re: Why has city chickened out?, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, April 27.

I can't believe that the chickens issue has hatched again.

The writer seems to think that, amongst other things, keeping a few chickens in our backyards will help save our planet.

I personally fail to see how keeping chickens in backyards could contribute towards our goal of saving our planet.

The writer is bewildered by the fact that the mayor and the council are not revisiting the bylaw that would enable the residents of Burnaby to farm chickens.

Keeping chickens in our backyards could make a neighbourhood a pretty smelly one to live in. The novelty, I'm sure, would wear off in time, and then the problem of finding abandoned chickens would arise. Chicken feed would attract mice and rats, and before long the whole neighbourhood would be infested by rodents, and that, amongst other problems, would eventually bring diseases.

That's just a few of the reasons why, in my opinion, we shouldn't have chickens in backyards.

That said, I hope the mayor and the council will adhere to their decision and do not waste anymore time entertaining this chicken s**t issue.

As for the question, "Why does Vancouver encourage chickens in backyards, but not Burnaby?" - we don't have to follow the sheep if the sheep is going towards a cliff.

Frank Di Cesare, Burnaby