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Let Kyoto stay buried

Dear Editor: Re: Kyoto dropout is disastrous, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 16. Au contraire! The Conservative government's realism to abandon the Kyoto Protocol is to be applauded.

Dear Editor:

Re: Kyoto dropout is disastrous, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 16.

Au contraire! The Conservative government's realism to abandon the Kyoto Protocol is to be applauded.

Before rushing headlong into cutting off our economic noses to spite our "globally warming" faces, let us face up to the environmental zealots of man-made climate change.

All well-intentioned and politically correct efforts on behalf of combatting the elusive spectre of man-made global warming notwithstanding, both the media and governments have taken to approach environmental issues more like an Elmer Gantry than an Albert Einstein.

The meltdown is coming - the meltdown is coming: So goes what has been called the media "snow-job on man-made global warming," calling on governments to heed Al Gore's apocalyptic vision of climate change, lest we are prepared to seek refuge on a modern-day version of Noah's Ark.

While there is not much of an argument about the natural cyclical process of global warming, the new "religion" of man-made global warming has assumed all the traits of an academic Ponzi scheme.

Thus, precipitous action to force ourselves into the straitjacket of steep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will merely create "man-made" conditions for economic decay, without the desired environmental effect on what has been a natural cyclical process of climate change over the ages.

Kyoto has been given a decent burial in balmy Durban.

E.W. Bopp, Tsawwassen