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Letter: Burnaby SkyTrain noise has made life intolerable

Editor: I would like to add my name to the well-documented comments regarding the noise of SkyTrain in Burnaby. The noise factor has been an issue for me since moving into a highrise opposite the Patterson station almost 11 years ago.
Many New West residents are concerned that SkyTrain seems to be a lot noisier than it was in the past.


I would like to add my name to the well-documented comments regarding the noise of SkyTrain in Burnaby. 

The noise factor has been an issue for me since moving into a highrise opposite the Patterson station almost 11 years ago. 

Not only do we endure noise throughout the day and evening hours, but also in the middle of the night while maintenance is being performed on the station or the rail lines themselves.

In fact, after going to bed last night – 1:30 a.m. this morning and again at 2 a.m. - there were two pieces of equipment travelling west on the south section of the rails making very loud noises. I am guessing they were grinding the rails for noise reduction. This morning, as I listened to the trains pass by, I do not notice any noise reduction.

I was riding the train to and from Surrey on Thursday and was quite annoyed at the level of noise inside the train - between Royal Oak station and Edmonds, it is especially immense.

I could not understand the announcement being made due to the noise. 

Why aren’t the SkyTrain head honchos not grasping the knowledge that is apparent in Europe? Like the folks remarked in their letter, conversation outside is paused until the train departs and correctly states that even indoors, conversations must be held by elevated voices or paused until the train departs. 

The noise is intolerable for those of us who live right beside it.

When is help going to come?

Rose Jorgenson-Mills, Burnaby