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Letter: Laneway houses are exorbitant land hogs

Lane homes are too costly for Burnaby renters and eat up valuable space for parking and outdoor enjoyment, reader says.
Laneway houses will worsen Burnaby’s traffic and crowding problems, say a reader. PHOTO by Joel Bardee


Being a very longtime resident of the Heights I believe I should put in a few words about an Issue I believe is just wrong: lane houses to be exact.

I am all in favour of basement suites; however, lane houses are a different story. Basic reason is that they will not be affordable as owners will charge in excess of $ 2,000 per month, so it is a cash cow.

Parking will be in back alleys or front streets, which are already one-lane through due to density, and hard to navigate as others do not know how to back up, and there are very few places to pull over.

If there is another major health scare like COVID, lane houses take away our open space in backyards. They also take away privacy. The so-called garage will not house a regular car or truck, which will have to be parked on streets that are already overcrowded.

The best solution is five-storey apartments or condos/townhouses along transit routes. Easy access for all and no additional spaces for parking taken up.

Burnaby is going to be a horror show trying to move around with all those new towers and pedestrians that do not follow the rules of crossings. With all this new housing, where are the tax dollars coming for extra schools, hospitals and first responders?

This is not including all the electric bikes, scooter and skateboards taking up the roadways either.

Burnaby, start looking at the big picture. We are too crowded now! All the rec centres and parks are jammed to capacity.  

Tom Whiffin, Burnaby