I’d love it if you could write an opinion or article on the serious garbage issue around Byrne Creek high school and the lack of resolve the City of Burnaby and the Burnaby School District is putting into it.
I’ve called countless times trying to get them to clean up the garbage and glass and graffiti around the school and it almost never gets dealt with.
I’ve been a long-time resident in New Westminster (20-plus years), just across 10th Avenue and walk my dog routinely through and around the high school grounds.
I remember back when it was the BC Tel building and land, this was never an issue - it was always nice and clean around the complex. Ever since the high school has been built and the 7-11 opened on 20th Street, there is countless pizza carton boxes, wrappers, chicken wings, bottles, glass, condoms, etc.
You name it - you’ll find it laying around there. Currently, written on the overpass there is graffiti written on the ground that welcomes you onto the bridge with the words “F*** you.”
Quite a nice welcome.
In addition, on the sidewalk between the track and the parking lot, there has been a broken glass bottle with shards laying around for over two years now.
It’s been so long it’s starting to sink into the grass, but there is still some laying on the sidewalk.
I’ve had to change the route I walk my dog for fear of it getting in his paws - I’ve even picked up the bigger shards myself.
I’ve called the city and talked to park rangers I’ve seen there in person about it and the garbage issue. It’s always the same answer - “We’ll get to it.”
I don’t understand how this isn’t a priority of the principal/administration of the high school, and how the City of Burnaby continues to let this slide.
I’m hoping maybe some “bad press” on it would finally get some action.
(Name redacted by author's request), New Westminster