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Letter: Time for action on catalytic converter thefts in Burnaby

Two quick thefts in one short block are two too many, this writer says.
The epidemic of catalytic converter thefts in the Lower Mainland has hit Burnaby, and residents need to demand action, this writer says.


The epidemic of catalytic converter thefts in the Lower Mainland hit close to home in South Burnaby in April when two thefts occurred one evening on our short block. The thieves removed each catalytic converter in less than two minutes.

A neighbour yelled at the thieves mid-theft to no avail. He was later told by the police that the thieves should not be confronted as they frequently carry bear spray and one gang is known to ride with a pit bull.

I think that the costs to the public of the thefts of catalytic converters and metals like copper wire is totally unacceptable. The thieves and metal purchasers appear to operate with impunity. I urge everyone to contact their MLA and express their outrage and demand an increase in sanctions and enforcement against those who profit from these thefts.

Alan Litke