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Letter writer should have checked facts first

Dear Editor: Re: How is Burnaby MLA spending her time?, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 26. The Internet is a wonderful thing.

Dear Editor:

Re: How is Burnaby MLA spending her time?, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 26.

The Internet is a wonderful thing. It allows me to search for information and check my facts before I commit my thoughts to an email and make a fool of myself by writing things that aren't true.

That doesn't necessarily stop me from making a fool of myself, of course, as my friends probably know but are mostly too polite to tell me.

Still, I can't help but feel for poor Jim Ervin, who could have checked the facts surrounding the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement - which has nothing to do, as he seems to think, with the odious deal that Harper signed with China - but apparently he didn't.

And yet that didn't stop him from criticizing MLA Jane Shin for travelling to Ottawa, at her own expense, for the signing of the agreement.

Mr. Ervin could also have verified that the Keralan celebration of Onam, which he criticizes Ms. Shin for attending, took place right here in Burnaby, not in Surrey as he states in his letter.

Ms. Shin is the New Democrat Official Opposition deputy spokesperson for trade, immigration and multiculturalism, so these activities fit right in with her caucus duties.

That's on the Internet too.

Glen Porter, Burnaby