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Letters: Is a park really the only option for Burnaby's waste facility?

Can't we pick somewhere other than Fraser Foreshore Park?
Wetlands at Fraser Foreshore Park. This Burnaby writer questions whether parkland is really the only option for an organic waste recycling facility.


In regard to the proposed green waste project at Fraser Foreshore Park, I would like to make a couple of points:

1. I am puzzled by the logic behind "the largest program package of environmental enhancement the city has ever undertaken." Understand, I have no problem with the city undertaking this, but I am puzzled why this can only be accomplished if we first destroy a park. Is it not possible to undertake this "enhancement" and NOT destroy a park? Why do we find the urgency to do this sort of work only when we are destroying something?

2. Clearly, this is a money-saving priority for Burnaby, and that is commendable. But it is obvious this facility would be a benefit to surrounding municipalities. With this in mind, would it not make more sense for multiple municipalities to partner on finding a location that is a) the correct size and b) not sensitive wetlands in a park? Would city staff have us believe that of all the land in Metro Vancouver this location is the only location available?

Councillors, fellow Burnabarians — we can do better. In my opinion, this option only makes sense if it is the only option available to us. If council looks into this closely and can answer honestly that tearing up Foreshore Park is the only option available, then by all means, go ahead.

If not, it is plainly obvious that this facility is something that should be done in partnership with Metro Vancouver, rather than Burnaby undertaking it on its own.

Peter Evans