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LETTERS: ‘MeToo’ cartoon did a disservice to women

Dear Editor: I am writing in response to the cartoon you featured in the editorial section of your paper protesting the MeToo movement. To the editor of this paper, I say shame on you for printing it.
ingrid rice
Offensive?: This cartoon raised the ire of a Burnaby NOW reader, who took issue with its stance on the MeToo movement.

Dear Editor:

I am writing in response to the cartoon you featured in the editorial section of your paper protesting the MeToo movement.

To the editor of this paper, I say shame on you for printing it.

As a senior and a lifelong feminist, I applaud the women who have come forward to protest the harassment and downright assault they have suffered.

I have found the vast majority of complaints to be in line with the experiences of the women I have known over the years.

Your cartoonist’s suggestion that multitudes of men are now living in fear of vexatious accusations is the first line of defence for abusive males and is not supported statistically. I would suggest that any men who are unfairly accused turn to the law courts.

They have demonstrated their ability to adjudicate these matters in favour of male defendants. It is appalling to watch the debacle that is happening in the male-dominated halls of government and in the RCMP.

It’s about time that a stop was put to such atrocious behaviour.

Millions of men treat the women around them with fairness and respect. They have nothing to fear.

Perhaps a more appropriate caption for “unproven allegations cost me my job” should read “Abusive behaviour cost me my job. Me Too. Me Too. Me Too. Me Too.”

Wendy Killick, by email