With regard to the letter by Jim Ervin, How Is MLA spending her time? (Burnaby NOW, Sept. 26) with regard to smart meters, may I submit the following:
Jane Shin gets hundreds of letters requesting her to take action on some individual's personal complaint.
She doesn't run the legislature. She is fortunate if she gets an opportunity to address even one or two contentious problems since she is only one of 85 members with a right to address the house. Furthermore, if the problem area is not within her portfolio, she would forward it to the member that is involved for his/her consideration.
In the meantime, she did tell the complainant that she would discuss this with Sharon Stone of the Anti-Smartmeter Coalition when they meet at the end of October.
So she is taking his request seriously.
As for the newsletter that went out last spring, that was probably in final draft long before the request by the complainant was made. At that time, as of right now, there was nothing to report.
I would humbly suggest that the person who wrote this letter to the editor is not well apprised of parliamentary procedures, wrote in ignorance of any actions that may have already happened within the party and the legislature, or erroneously believes that his concerns outweigh the concerns of others.
When there is something to report, it will be reported in the newsletter of the NDP minister responsible for such concerns, not Jane Shin.
Dolores Myles, Burnaby