The astounding arrogance of many Canadians will never fail to amuse me.
We see racist police actions in the U.S. and we say Canada doesn’t have this kind of problem. (Hint: We do.) We also see Americans protesting on the steps of state government buildings because they can’t get a haircut and we feel smug that we’re not like that.
Oh, but some of us are just like that in Canada.
People like “Ken in Burnaby.”
I received an email from “Ken in Burnaby” saying that he was in total disagreement with my column about people ignoring the one-way trail at Burnaby’s Deer Lake.
You can read the column here, but it talks about how the city made the trail one way to reduce COVID-19 risks. The idea is that people are not getting close to you while passing by on narrow stretches of the trail.
My column was about all of the people I came across ignoring the “wrong way” signs and how dangerous that was.
“Ken in Burnaby” doesn’t agree with me or the City of Burnaby so he is “refusing to play ball.
“My god where does this BS end,” he said. “No one is going to catch Covid walking on the trails. Even if you’re all going the same way doesn't change anything. What next? Burnaby makes us wear helmets walking in city parks? Burnaby makes us wear masks in city parks? I've been going to Deer Lake for 40 years-plus and I will continue to walk in any direction I please regardless of what Burnaby says or what you say.”
Imagine being a grown man and getting this angry because the city wants him to walk in one direction. What other COVID-19 rules is he not following?
“Ken in Burnaby” thinks he’s smarter than Dr. Bonnie Henry, who has said repeatedly that you can catch COVID-19 during close contact. Walking inches way from someone on a trail is close contact.
“Ken in Burnaby” also falls into that trap of creating false arguments, such as the city making people wear helmets while walking. You always know someone has a weak argument when they use exaggerated examples.
Just stick to what’s actually happening. The world’s best health professionals say that close contact is what spreads COVID-19. “Ken in Burnaby” is wrong to suggest otherwise. The City of Burnaby made this decision based on medical evidence and recommendations from health officials.
And lastly, “Ken in Burnaby” is one of those older dudes that like to puff out their chest about how they won’t follow any damn rules. I’m surprised he didn’t scream out “freedom!!!” while writing his response.
Just like those clowns down in the U.S.
Follow Chris Campbell on Twitter @shinebox44.