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Opinion: Ridiculous NIMBYs now say Burnaby rental towers will steal their ‘sunshine’

Are a few shadows reason to oppose affordable housing?
Northeast elevation view of proposed development by the BCGEU.

It’s no surprise that I’m writing a column supporting a BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU development proposal that would add two rental towers to Palm Avenue.

I have written before about my support for a project that will provide affordable housing. On Tuesday, there was a public hearing held on the project and some residents spoke up with their criticism of how it would fit into the neighbourhood.

There were all the usual suspects, including concerns about traffic.

 But there was one real howler that I’ve heard used before. One of the speakers mentioned that the towers will steal the “sunshine” from some of the nearby residents if the towers are built.

That seems like an act of desperation as they run out of ways to criticize a project. Look, nobody is owed sunlight at their single-family house, even if this project was going to steal their sunshine (to quote the song by Len).

There was a project proposed last year in New Westminster that would provide affordable housing and, once again, a group of house-rich single-family homeowners complained about shadows taking away their sunshine.

Let me be clear: that is not a reason to oppose adding affordable homes for people.

We’re in a crisis. That means changes need to be made to ensure more housing is built.

The BCGEU plans to the city include a mixed-use office, daycare, cafe and rental housing development on Palm Avenue near Royal Oak SkyTrain station.

The rental portion would include 292 units, of which a minimum of 50% will be locked in as below-market, affordable housing. 

According to city record, a total of 52 people spoke at the hearing, with the large majority being in favour of the project. 

The BCGEU did a good job of rallying its members to speak on behalf the project. I don’t see any reason why this project will be rejected. Council, at least most of it, want more housing added that is affordable and this project fits that goal.

Not to throw shade on people, but it’s bad form to oppose housing with such flimsy excuses.

Follow Chris Campbell on Twitter @shinebox44.