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Opinion: Some tool sneezed in the face of a Burnaby senior

Senior citizens are among the most vulnerable people to COVID-19. The few times I’ve been out of the house in the past few weeks, I pay particular attention to any elderly people around me. I steer clear and hold my breath as I pass by.
photo Allan Foster/Flickr

Senior citizens are among the most vulnerable people to COVID-19.

The few times I’ve been out of the house in the past few weeks, I pay particular attention to any elderly people around me. I steer clear and hold my breath as I pass by.

It might seem weird, but I don’t want to take any chances around older folks. I keep imagining my 80-year-old mom.

Some other people, apparently, don’t think that far ahead, judging by an incident I was told about involving a Burnaby senior.

Her name is Sharon and she doesn’t want her last name used, but I’ve verified her identity.

She’s in her 70s and reluctantly went out shopping in Burnaby recently. She and her husband are taking all the precautions they can, but needed to pick up some items. They were both wearing N-95 masks that they were given by a friend.

So, they are out at their favourite Burnaby grocery store, trying to maintain their social distance when some guy suddenly turns and starts walking by them – closely.

“A man walked past me sneezed loudly, didn't cover his mouth properly and the spray hit my face,” Sharon said. “At that moment, I was very thankful to have glasses on (although they weren't snug to my face) and thankful that I was wearing the mask. They say sneezing isn't a sign of the virus but you should still turn away and cover your mouth properly. No one knows if the guy that sneezed on me was incubating the virus. I came home, jumped in the shower and washed my clothes (including my jacket). I feel every little bit of protection helps.”

Seriously, dude? The spray actually hit her face!

You’re a grown adult who has likely heard numerous times about sneezing into your elbow as well as turning your head to people.

We’re in a global crisis. We should all be especially vigilant at this time. This goes beyond good manners. If you are carrying the virus and pass it to a senior, you could literally end up killing them.

It’s just ridiculous.

Follow Chris Campbell on Twitter @shinebox44.