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Park curfews a proactive idea

Dear Editor: Re: City says no to park curfews, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 11. Mr. Hasek has a valid point on park curfews during the dark hours. Humans are not nocturnal animals and, as such, should not be strolling around in parks after dark.

Dear Editor:

Re: City says no to park curfews, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 11.

Mr. Hasek has a valid point on park curfews during the dark hours. Humans are not nocturnal animals and, as such, should not be strolling around in parks after dark. In the city, we have certain park areas that are closed off. This should be extended to all parks.

I would be curious as to the cost of camera monitoring. Parks are a great place to dump refuse. I see it every week in North Burnaby.

It was mentioned by a city official that "the Burnaby RCMP have at their disposal all the tools required to deal with this type of nuisance."

Well, I think the city official has things backwards.

I believe Mr. Hasek is looking at it from a proactive, before-it-happens point of view.

The tools were not specified in the article, and I would like to know what these tools are.

The city parks patrol is not in a position to deal with disturbances. The patrol is only there to observe and report incidences to the RCMP.

As mentioned in the article, the city parks patrol monitors during the weekday hours. This does not address Mr. Hasek and his neighbours' concerns. The RCMP does not have the resources to monitor parks continuously.

Why not address the citizens' concerns in a controlled situation to determine the merits, rather than just giving excuses as to why not to do it?

Now with this being said, parks that have lighting for soccer and other organized sports should be kept open.

Nick Kvenich, Burnaby