Dear Editor:
Re: Plenty of pipeline benefits, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 4.
It always amazes me when I read Mr. Ziggy Eckardt's opinions how he often thinks that anyone who might be opposed to his ideas would be misguided. He might not realize that not everyone shares his neo-con point of view.
Doing so does not mean they are misguided. In fact, it may be he who is the most deluded and misguided of all.
He speaks of going to so-called information sessions promoted by anti-pipeline advocates yet forgets to mention that Kinder Morgan has also put on pipeline information sessions. These usually have more Kinder Morgan employees at them than attendees. The info meetings' sole purpose is to re-educate the populace in favour of their points of view.
They think that the population that opposes their ideas is uneducated and with a little help from their experts, all will be well. Unfortunately for them, this is not the case.
The opposition is very well informed and has more concern for their environment than the quest for more petro dollars. It is also interesting how easily influenced Mr. Eckardt is by the information given at Mr. Ian Anderson's presentation, whose sole purpose is to promote his vested interests. Mr.
Eckardt and his crowd drooling over the opinions of the Kinder Morgan Canada president and CEO are an indication of how far off-base these people really are.
They are shills for the corporate advancement of companies such as Kinder Morgan, who care little for anything except their profits and increasing share prices.
Mr. Eckardt, you should look at yourself and maybe then you can see who is really misguided.
If you have children and grandchildren then you should be concerned about your environment and your planet.
Leaving them with jobs, money and a burnt out environment leaves them nothing.
However, I don't believe that you'll see this as it is contrary to your narrow points of view, which you have been expressing quite freely during the last year in the letters to the editor section of the Burnaby NOW.
Lou Kaiser, Burnaby