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Pipeline doesn't help Burnaby

Dear Editor: Re: Pipeline will help Burnaby, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 29. I am writing regarding the purported "benefits" Burnaby will realize from Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain Pipeline project.

Dear Editor:

Re: Pipeline will help Burnaby, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 29.

I am writing regarding the purported "benefits" Burnaby will realize from Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain Pipeline project.

I encourage everyone to read the City of Burnaby staff report on the proposal to pipe dirty tar sands oil through our city (Burnaby NOW, May 28, 2012 edition). The real bottom line is, "there is nothing in it for us."

Should this project proceed, here's what's really in it for Burnaby:

The construction of a new pipeline through our city and the inherent risks of two pipelines in an earthquake zone. By Kinder Morgan Canada president Ian Anderson's own admission, few construction employees would be from Burnaby.

We'll have three tanker loading docks instead of one at Westridge, where minor spills are already a regular occurrence.

We'll see larger oil tankers full of diluted bitumen transiting Burrard Inlet and the Georgia Basin just about every day of the year. Burrard Inlet is still recovering from the 2007 Westridge pipeline rupture.

To summarize, Burnaby will be turned into a sacrifice zone for the fossil fuel industry. The only people who would really benefit are a handful of

very, very rich Americans.

My neighbours and I say that Burnaby is not for sale. We're not buying what Mr. Anderson is selling.

Peter Cech, Capitol Hill Community Association