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Pro-gay position refuted

Dear Editor: I am disappointed with Pat Tracy's pro-gay position (Hate: Often in the ear of the listener, Editor's Letter, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 13). First, I oppose homosexuality and its advocates. I am irreligious and fair minded.

Dear Editor:

I am disappointed with Pat Tracy's pro-gay position (Hate: Often in the ear of the listener, Editor's Letter, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 13). First, I oppose homosexuality and its advocates. I am irreligious and fair minded.

Second, let me give Ms. Tracy a crash lesson in criminology (which is also appropriate for a criminology journal). The lesson rests on what I propose as the First Law of Criminology: the Law of View. This is not any judge-or politician-made law; it is a scientific law.

Roughly, it says that all laws and policies - including those on gay protection - are a matter of view and are hence subjective and vulnerable to attack and disagreement, including legitimate ones.

Ms. Tracy is not saying that the sun is hot, some people have sexual desire, or 2+2=4, for those are unchallengeable facts.

Rather, she claims that homosexuality is OK and should be societally encouraged. Those are her views (and the views of the NDP and Liberal-appointed judges) and are thus open to reasonable challenge and rejection.

She wants the Criminal Code expanded to prohibit mere "intolerance" of gays, but the Criminal Code, as I've explained, is a man-made, subjective view.

So, my view on gays and school policy 5.45 concurs with that of Parents' Voice. People should not kill or stalk gays or drive them to suicide. But neither should people love them (which Ms. Tracy, the NDP and the Liberals advocate). Society has reason to "hate" gays if expressed so in a humane, civil way.

Thang Vu, Burnaby