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Proud of pipeline history

Dear Editor: In these times of heightened awareness of the pipeline industry in B.C., I want to address some of the misinformation your readers may be hearing about the Trans Mountain pipeline operations and future expansion plans.

Dear Editor:

In these times of heightened awareness of the pipeline industry in B.C., I want to address some of the misinformation your readers may be hearing about the Trans Mountain pipeline operations and future expansion plans.

The Trans Mountain pipeline has strong local roots and a history of building relationships with the community. We are proud of our operating history; providing safe delivery of refined petroleum products and crude oil for local refining and export markets for almost 60 years.

We have efficiently operated a critical piece of B.C.'s energy infrastructure, delivering about 90 percent of the gasoline consumed in the B.C. Interior and Lower Mainland.

Through the years, our pipeline has evolved to meet changing market demands. In recent years, we have been responding to a growing export market, both off shore and into Washington State, and we now believe the market is ready to support expansion.

While we recognize that our neighbours may have questions about expansion, I want to be clear that we have not yet announced, nor have we commenced the work necessary to undertake an expansion project.

Before an expansion project can be developed, we must first confirm that our customers support

additional pipeline capacity to move their products to the West Coast. This step is now underway. In the first quarter of 2012, we will know whether there is commercial support for additional pipeline capacity. If support exists, we will take the next step towards expansion, including up to two years of local, provincial and federal consultation leading to a full National Energy Board review.

We promise all stakeholders and neighbours a meaningful engagement process where we will seek input on such things as the pipeline routing, First Nations interests and concerns, environmental mitigation, emergency response capabilities and Port Metro Vancouver impacts. This input will be an important part of our planning and regulatory application.

We do believe that as an export nation, with secure, safe port capabilities we can and should expand the markets available to Canadian natural resources, for the benefit of all Canadians. We also believe that thoughtful, factual and open-minded engagement is critical to the decision making. We have always conducted our business in a transparent manner and with an open mind. We look forward to talking with you and hearing your views. We know who our neighbours are - you will be hearing more from us as a project is considered.

Ian Anderson, president, Kinder Morgan Canada