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Public education is the cornerstone of society

Dear Editor: After reading some of your editorial letters about the B.C.

Dear Editor:

After reading some of your editorial letters about the B.C. teachers' strike, I can't help think that these problems all come back to the same source: That we need to have one strong public education system in order for all of our students to receive the best education possible.

So, the main problem with education across the country seems to be that there are too many separate school boards increasing the overhead administrative costs of education so much so, that there is not enough money left in the pot for the average child in Canada to receive a decent education anymore. I see this happening in Ontario, and now I hear it is as serious a problem in B.C. as well. I'd like to see politicians finding enough courage to propose one new publicly funded school system for all. We need to avoid diluting educational possibilities for certain groups of children because of financial shortfalls.

As Spock once said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."  Let's get smarter, pool all of our resources, and allow all students to become brighter and more tolerant in the future by connecting with all other students in one school system.  Dare I say, this is just "common sense." 

C. Folkes, by email