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Random people lack conscience

Dear Editor: While my husband and I walk our dog each day, we also pick up litter.

Dear Editor:

While my husband and I walk our dog each day, we also pick up litter. Saturdays and Sundays are the worst because the young people who party into the night on weekends always leave their fast food bags, wrappers, leftovers, beer cans, and liquor bottles strewn all over the local elementary school grounds. What makes us the most angry, however, is when the partiers smash their bottles on the basketball court and in the adventure playground and sandbox. Kids play there People walk their dogs there! To the partiers, (who probably won't read this), have your fun, but try showing some respect for others - grow a conscience! We experienced another example of ignorance and disrespect yesterday at Costco. A woman had parked in a handicapped space, and an employee put a sign on her windshield warning her not to park there without having the handicapped sign displayed.

(We discovered later that she had challenged the staff member to try giving her a ticket.) The woman was loading her car as we walked by and, grinning at us, said she'd received those warnings before and knew she shouldn't be parking there. I told her she was disgusting, and she repeatedly yelled, "F You! F You!" She then yelled at a man walking by telling him what I'd said and he responded with, "You just cheated a disabled person out of this parking spot. You are disgusting."

She was not impressed with his lack of support.

As I think about it further, if you have no conscience, repeatedly break rules to ensure your own convenience, have no respect for your fellow people, and swear at the top of your lungs when called on it - I guess you are handicapped and disgusting! Though I know there are many more "good" folks out there than "bad," I find it very sad that people can be so selfish and inconsiderate of others.

Ila Appleby, Burnaby