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Send him back to Russia

Dear Editor: Re: Time for peace, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, May 9. Canadians expect Canadian laws to be enforced fairly, not selectively.

Dear Editor:

Re: Time for peace, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, May 9.

Canadians expect Canadian laws to be enforced fairly, not selectively. Members of the Soviet secret police, the KGB, are prohibited from entering Canada, much less remaining here after being ordered deported (this fellow's bogus refugee claim was dismissed for what it was, a dodge).

Breaking Canadian law by then claiming a non-existent "right of sanctuary" and thumbing one's nose at our judicial, immigration and border security officials is hardly evidence of good citizenship potential.

There is also no evidence that this man, having spent several years in a Christian church, has shown any remorse for what he did - which was to voluntarily enlist in, then rise in the ranks of, a Communist political police force that brutally suppressed opponents of the Soviet regime, religious and otherwise.

We apparently all share the hope that this ex-KGB officer will "find Jesus." He can do that in his homeland, Mother Russia, where ex-secret policemen like him are doing just fine.

L.Y. Luciuk, Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Toronto