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Speeding column off base

Dear Editor: Re: Mr. Speed gets a Liberal boost, In my opinion, Burnaby NOW, July 11 Mr.

Dear Editor:
Re: Mr. Speed gets a Liberal boost, In my opinion, Burnaby NOW, July 11
Mr. Groenveld says proponents of higher limits will say that the real menaces on the road are those that frustrate them into doing stupid things by sticking close to the speed limit.
This is code for “I know there are four lanes on the number 1 highway, but I will disregard all logic in creating those lanes and drive in whatever one suits me on any particular day. Oh and if you don’t like it screw you.”
I understand you are trying to help, and drivers that go faster than you are very upsetting to you, but the fact is you cannot safely drive your vehicle and police everyone else. And it’s not your job. Move out of the passing lane, let that crazy speeder go by, and be glad they are gone and no longer bothering you!
Dale Toews, via email