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Thanks to city

Dear Editor: An open letter to Mayor Derek Corrigan: Just a few words to congratulate the city staff "on-call" that looked after a sewer drain backfill during New Year's Eve. The call was promptly taken and dispatched.

Dear Editor:

An open letter to Mayor Derek Corrigan: Just a few words to congratulate the city staff "on-call" that looked after a sewer drain backfill during New Year's Eve. The call was promptly taken and dispatched. After assuring that the "flow" was back to normal, the crew followed up first thing on the next business day imaging and isolating the problem on the collector line.

Congrats to Tony and crew for a job well done. And 2012 hat's off/chapeau for walking the talk of: "The City of Burnaby is determined to remain a shining example of local government at its best" on a matter as vital as a sewer drain!

Réjean Beaulieu, Burnaby