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Thoughts on Gaza war

Dear Editor: Israel is digging its own grave. I believe there will be a reckoning and repercussions for how Israel has treated the Palestinian people over the last 50 years.

Dear Editor:

Israel is digging its own grave. I believe there will be a reckoning and repercussions for how Israel has treated the Palestinian people over the last 50 years.

It is only a matter of time before terrorist organizations like Hamas and their allies get a hold of dangerous weapons and military technology. Information spreads like wildfire in our world.

Anything can be put on the Internet or sent to anyone. It is in Israel’s long-term security interests to make peace before they set the stage for their own destruction.

Israel’s only real ally in the world – the United States – is in major decline. The country is virtually broke. The U.S. and Europe could not even stop Putin from invading and taking over Crimea, and Russia is not even a major superpower anymore. The United States and the world were also essentially helpless in Syria.

I have many Jewish friends. In fact, one of my best friends is Jewish. However, this does not mean I support the actions of the Israel government. Many Jewish people around the world also do not support the actions of Israel.

One of my Jewish friends, however, stated that the Gaza War is an issue for Israel and Palestine to deal with and the rest of the world should not interfere. I disagree with this premise. The citizens of the world have a duty to protect, support, advocate and protest the killing of innocent people everywhere.

The Jewish people should be more conscious of this fact than others. The Jewish people themselves were the victims many times throughout history of people and countries standing silently by and doing nothing when they were being persecuted or killed.

Make peace and not war. The Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs are first cousins born of the same people. Time to treat each other as such.

Alex Sangha, via email