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Tolerance goes both ways

Dear Editor: Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't the Grinch who stole Christmas. It was the overzealous PC Police who seem to have nothing better to do than exert their pious opinion on everything they deem wrong with society.

Dear Editor:

Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't the Grinch who stole Christmas.

It was the overzealous PC Police who seem to have nothing better to do than exert their pious opinion on everything they deem wrong with society.

Canadians like to think that our country is the paragon of acceptance and tolerance, especially when it comes to the traditions of the major religions.

Aside from the rites and ceremonies of our Aboriginals, why are we trashing one of the oldest and most sanctified religious celebrations in Canada?

Although my own faith has lapsed over the years, I still find Christmas the most uplifting and joyous time of the year.

It is a sad state of affairs when anyone could possibly consider the term "Merry Christmas" offensive. Over the last few decades, Canadians have come to embrace and join in on a very wide spectrum of celebrations, customs and lifestyles. Who would dare question the acceptability of the Vaisakhi parade, the Gay Pride parade, burkas, turbans and ceremonial daggers worn by Sikhs? Acceptance and tolerance is a two-way street. Before you go and condemn the practice and faith of others, consider your own ideological standards. Maybe someone finds them offensive!

Neil Swanson, Coquitlam