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Top five snakehead videos

I'm sorry, but I can't help myself. My latest story on the snakehead fish in the Burnaby NOW brings back memories of the Great Snakehead Hunt of 2012.

I'm sorry, but I can't help myself.

My latest story on the snakehead fish in the  Burnaby NOW brings back memories of the Great Snakehead Hunt of 2012. One of the best things about the snakehead beat was trolling the Internet, researching snakeheads and finding gems like these:


1. Snakehead Terror! (trailer from b-movie shot at Cultus Lake.)


2. Snakehead eats mouse. (Warning: animal lovers might find this disturbing.) One of the freakiest things about snakeheads is that they eat small animals. There were times I was reporting from Central Park, looking for the snakehead, and I feared for the safety of the ducklings.


3. Snakehead walks! Besides eating small animals, did I mention they can wriggle and travel on land? They have some kind of primitive lung that allows them to live out of water for up to three days.


4. How to pet a snakehead. Yes, people keep them as pets, although the possession of live snakeheads is now illegal in B.C., following the Great Snakehead Hunt of 2012. This bizarre video from Doc-Aqua TV shows how to pet a snakehead, just like a dog or cat.


5. Snakehead spotted in Burnaby's Central Park. I would be remiss to exclude the video that started it all.

Have a favourite snakehead memory you would like to share? Leave your stories in the comments below.