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What's the real pipeline impact?

Dear Editor: Re: Proud of pipeline history, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 16, from Ian Anderson, president of Kinder Morgan Canada. Mr.

Dear Editor:

Re: Proud of pipeline history, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 16, from Ian Anderson, president of Kinder Morgan Canada.

Mr. Anderson's attempt to promote the transparency of how Kinder Morgan conducts itself omits a couple of key points: 1 - the use of fossil fuels is not sustainable, therefore perpetuating our reliance on oil (and our governments' reliance on tax revenues from dirty oil) is setting us up for an economic face-plant; 2 - delivering more dirty oil from the tar sands does not benefit all Canadians, it lines the pockets of the one per cent to the detriment of the 99 per cent. Furthermore, his missives mirror those of our (supposed) federal environment minister and our current premier - they're all singing from the same song sheet.

If Mr. Anderson really wants thoughtful, factual and open-minded engagement then let's include the true impact of Kinder Morgan's expansion plans and the truth about who really benefits.

Peter Cech, Burnaby