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Where are regulations?

Dear Editor: There has been considerable discussion and propaganda in the news media about the Enbridge pipeline through B.C. from Alberta tar sands and the necessity of exporting this bitumen supposedly to Asian markets.

Dear Editor:

There has been considerable discussion and propaganda in the news media about the Enbridge pipeline through B.C. from Alberta tar sands and the necessity of exporting this bitumen supposedly to Asian markets. Our governments and proponents of big oil constantly remind us that this is what pays for our health care and education.

When concerns are expressed by environmentalists, supporters, scientists and others who publicly express their concerns about the horrific damages that might happen, the proponents of the project deny that this would happen and even promise to spend a few millions of dollars more on the quality of the pipeline.

After the Exxon Valdez spilled its cargo of oil in Alaska, the ship was repaired and renamed Dong Fang Ocean and registered in Panama. It was again renamed Medierranean and registered in the Marshall Islands, a tax haven and free port therefore, can evade U.S. rules. Lately this ship has been beached in India to be wrecked.

It was noted by the author of the book Offshore that the Marshall Islands have about 20,000 ships registered there and it is nearly impossible to learn who the owners are.

In the last 25 years it has become evident to me that our governments have watered down and eroded environmental laws and regulations, repressed

wages and have constantly lowered and given tax breaks to big corporations, subsidizing other industries rather than taxing them. Our government further spends millions of dollars going to foreign countries acting as brokers to market our raw natural resources and build the necessary infrastructure (roads, power, rail, etc.) so our natural resources may be pillaged at low cost to the investors.

These foreign investors and giant corporations with the assistance of our banks may transfer all their profits to tax havens such as the Cayman Islands, Panama, Malta or Switzerland, and who knows where else. It is suggested that trillions of dollars are stashed away in tax havens with complete secrecy and tax free.

Tony Fabian, Burnaby