Dear Editor:
They say a $3 increase will not break the bank for most drivers. What about seniors like myself on fixed incomes?
That $3 will have an effect on what I decide I will have to give up to cover this extra cost, maybe my medicines or maybe I'll cut down on vegetables I buy.
I do not own a cellphone, a CD player, a GPS, nor do I hang things from my rear-view mirror or have little stuffed toys on my dashboard, all should be banned in a vehicle.
I may use my vehicle once a week for important errands.
ICBC, the Motor Vehicle Branch and the RCMP need to get together and go after the ones that are causing these constant increase. Not everyone should be paying for others' stupidity.
Thinking that education will help? Not a chance. Get a ticket for talking on a cell while driving - the fine should be $200 and a copy sent to ICBC and MVB.
Once their rates start going up, maybe they will get the message, but probably not, because they can afford it. I cannot.
Wayne MacKeigan, Burnaby