An open letter to William Downe, chair, and members of the board of the Trans Mountain Corporation:
Re: physical distancing, spreading the virus, and life safety
You are putting my life at risk. I am one of those who have a high risk of dying if I catch the COVID-19 virus. Why then are your workers on the Trans Mountain expansion not maintaining the required physical distancing?
I have seen several recent photographs of two or more of your workers much closer than two metres.

This is one way the virus propagates. As you must have known for some time, someone does not need to be showing symptoms of the virus in order to infect others.
Some of your workers may well be contributing to the spreading of the virus. If everyone adopted physical distancing or otherwise prevented the spread, the whole crisis would come to an end in a month.
You are both prolonging the lockdown and putting my life and the lives of others at risk. I and thousands of other people are doing our part to prevent the spread of the virus. Please do your part.
David Huntley, Burnaby