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Letter: I live near the Burnaby tank farm. What happens to my family's health?

Editor: We have lived in Burnaby for many years, raising our family here.
tank farm
The Trans Mountain tank farm on Burnaby Mountain.


We have lived in Burnaby for many years, raising our family here. If the Trans Mountain pipeline is expanded, our home and family along with many others that reside along the proposed 14 new tanks at the tank farm, adding to the 13 that are already there, poses a health risk and an environmental risk to the Burnaby Mountain Conservation area.

The Barnet beach and our beautiful coastline will be threatened by a tenfold of tankers going through the very narrow inlet. Both these scenarios are a disaster waiting to happen. Climate change is real and we all need to take a stand to tell the federal government to cancel fossil fuels projects and increase a clean energy economy that has many more jobs for the future.
Dale Price, Burnaby