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Real Estate

Data Points: B.C. residential building permit issuances reach $2.1B record value

Data Points: B.C. residential building permit issuances reach $2.1B record value

Record residential permits, interest rate cuts expected to fuel growth
The construction noise next to my office is unbearable. What must my boss do to accommodate us?

The construction noise next to my office is unbearable. What must my boss do to accommodate us?

Occupational health and safety laws generally impose a duty on employers to protect the health and safety of their workers.
No 'reprehensible' conduct by Richmond developer during trial, judge finds

No 'reprehensible' conduct by Richmond developer during trial, judge finds

Anderson Square Holdings Ltd. was ordered to pay pre-sale buyers $13.1 million in damages.
Images: Massive new rental and retail project proposed for area next to Vancouver university

Images: Massive new rental and retail project proposed for area next to Vancouver university

Almost 550 residential units are included.
Construction association issues alert about changes to policy

Construction association issues alert about changes to policy

Contractors worried new approach to procurement will undermine government's duty to fairness
Renters from B.C., Maritimes signal they are the most pessimistic about home ownership in new survey

Renters from B.C., Maritimes signal they are the most pessimistic about home ownership in new survey

One out of four respondents from British Columbia and the Maritimes say they spend more than half their income on rent, according to Royal LePage report
B.C. strata ordered to reduce heat pump fines

B.C. strata ordered to reduce heat pump fines

The Richmond strata imposed at least $11,600 in fines against a strata owner's account for the heat pump.
Editorial: ICBC deal scant on details about prime piece of North Van real estate

Editorial: ICBC deal scant on details about prime piece of North Van real estate

Planning needs to be well thought out as the province aims to turn a prime North Vancouver waterfront property into ‘hundreds’ of units of housing
Property owners fight new short-term rental rules in Victoria court

Property owners fight new short-term rental rules in Victoria court

The West Coast Association for Property Rights wants to see previous rights to operate legal short-term rentals reinstated.
Want to make housing affordable? Real estate needs to become a mediocre investment

Want to make housing affordable? Real estate needs to become a mediocre investment

What we should be aiming for is policy that would maintain home prices at some reasonable multiple of household income