Looking for something to do this Halloween? Explore Burnaby is helping residents get excited for the spooky day with the Explore Boo-rnaby Trick or Treat Halloween contest.
Up for grabs is an “Explore Burnaby Shop and Stay” package, which includes gift certificates to local malls as well as a voucher for a hotel stay.
The tourism organization opted for an online alternative to keep up the Halloween momentum, due to COVID-19 restrictions on large in-person gatherings.
Starting October 13, 13 riddles will be revealed on the organization’s website, which will point residents to iconic landmarks throughout the city.
To enter the prize draw, participants will need to solve the puzzle and submit a picture of themselves in front of the correct location through the website’s contest portal.
“Participants can do as many or as little of the 13 challenges that they like,” says Ravina Sidhu, Marketing Manager for Tourism Burnaby.
And, there’s a chance to win bonus prizes too.
“If contestants share their pictures on social media, they will be entered to win one of five weekly tricks or treats,” Sidhu says.
“Participants could have an envelope mailed to them with a treat such as a gift card, or a trick that we have yet to reveal.”
The Halloween contest is part of Burnaby’s master plan to eventually become the largest Halloween hub in North America, modelled after the weeklong Halloween festival in Derry, Ireland.
“We’re hoping participants will enjoy finding hidden gems or visiting old favourites in our community as well as getting out in a safe and socially distanced way,” Sidhu says.
In addition to the Halloween contest, Tourism Burnaby is also selling t-shirts on its website to support local charities.
“Holiday season is usually their most busy time of year, and these charities aren’t seeing as much traffic as they normally do,” Sidhu says.
“We want to give back as much as possible to our local community.”
For more information on the Trick or Treat Halloween Contest, visit tourismburnaby.com/halloween.