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What's up in Burnaby? New arts listings Jan. 28

ON NOW To Friday, Jan. 29 Longevity, an exhibition of work by the New Westminster Photography Club, in the Community Art Space, third floor, Anvil Centre, 777 Columbia St., 604-527-4640.
Moved by Portraits, Deer Lake Gallery, Yue Baoyu
Artist Yue Baoyu at the opening reception for Moved by Portraits, on now at Deer Lake Gallery.


To Friday, Jan. 29

Longevity, an exhibition of work by the New Westminster Photography Club, in the Community Art Space, third floor, Anvil Centre, 777 Columbia St., 604-527-4640. Featuring the work of 25 club members in a variety of subjects and styles.


To Sunday, Jan. 31

Revitalizing Japantown? A Right to Remainexhibition, at Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre. Info:

Out & About, featuring the watercolour art of Enda Bardell, on display at the Plaskett Gallery at Massey Theatre, 735 Eighth Ave., New Westminster, Tuesdays to Saturdays 1 to 5 p.m., or by appointment. See

Angela Emsley, has a display of contemporary art at the New Westminster Public Library, 716 Sixth Ave., on the second floor. Exhibition open during library hours, drop in to see.


To Friday, Feb. 5

Moved by Portraits, a group exhibition featuring work by Yue Baoyu, Bill Edmonds, Jeremy Henrickson and Louise Solecki Weir, at Deer Lake Gallery, open Tuesdays to Saturdays noon to 4 p.m., free admission. Opening reception Jan. 16, 2 to 4 p.m. Info:


To Friday, March 4

SoulFood, an exhibition by Jenn Ashton in the Courtyard Gallery at Burnaby City Hall, 4949 Canada Way, presented by the Burnaby Arts Counmcil. Gallery hours: Monday to Friday, 7:30 to 3:30 p.m. Info: or 604-298-7322.


To Sunday, March 6

Gordon Friesen: Beyond Kingsway,an off-site exhibition of Burnaby Art Gallery, at the Metrotown branch of Burnaby Public Library, 6100 Willingdon Ave. Info:


To Monday, March 7

Diana Kemble: Selectiosn from the Birdsong Series, an off-site exhibition of Burnaby Art Gallery, at the McGill branch of Burnaby Public Library, 4595 Albert St. Info:


Thursday, Jan. 28

Songs of Resilience, featuring the Queer Songbook Orchestra, in a tribute to LGBTQ songwriters, 8 p.m. at the Anvil Centre Theatre, 777 Columbia St., New West. Tickets:


Saturday, Jan. 30

VanDeca choir presents In Our Element, 7:30 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church, New Westminster. Tickets $15 in advance (using promo code Facebook), $20 at the door, children 12 and under free. Info:


Monday, Feb. 1 to Monday, Feb. 29

Of Water, an exhibition of photography and paintings by Burnaby artist Julie Prescott, at the Water Shed Arts Café, 11-20349 88th Ave., Langley. Open Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Artist talk on Tuesday, Feb. 2 from 7 to 9 p.m. Info:


Wednesday, Feb. 3 to Saturday, Feb. 28

Happenstance: A Solo Exhibition by Robert Fee, at the Arts Council of New Westminster gallery in Queen’s Park, with opening reception from 6 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 3. Includes special jazz concerts on Sundays, Feb. 7, 14 and 21, from 2 to 3 p.m. See for details.


Thursday, Feb. 4

Opening reception for New Acquisitions exhibition at Burnaby Art Gallery, 6344 Deer Lake Ave., 7 to 9 p.m. Info:

Claudia Cornwall teaches Introduction to Memoir Writing, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the McGill branch of Burnaby Public Library, 4595 Albert St., 604-299-8955.


Thursday, Feb. 4 to Saturday, Feb. 6

Little One, a presentation of the Alley Theatre production, at Anvil Centre Theatre, 777 Columbia St., $25 and $15,


Thursday, Feb. 4 to Saturday, Feb. 27

Over the River and Through the Woods, presented by Vagabond Players at the Bernie Legge Theatre in Queen’s Park, with Thursday to Saturday shows at 8 p.m., and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets $15, or $13 for seniors and youth, with $10 previews on Feb. 4 and 5. Reserve by calling 604-521-0412 or see


Friday, Feb. 5 to Saturday, Feb. 20

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a family-friendly musical, presented by Align Entertainment at the Michael J. Fox Theatre, 7373 MacPherson Ave., Burnaby, tickets $25 to $37.50. Info:


Friday, Feb. 5 to Sunday, March 27

New Acquisitions, an exhibition showcasing recently acquired works at the Burnaby Art Gallery, 6344 Deer Lake Ave., representing local, national and international artists, both historical and contemporary. Related programs and events include: Curator’s tour on Saturday, Feb. 20 from 2 to 4 p.m.; interactive tour and workshop for homelearners on Wednesday, Feb. 17 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.; In the BAG sessions on Sundays, Feb. 14 and March 13, from 2 to 4 p.m.; full-day art studio for homelearners on Friday, March 4; and free gallery tours (Mandarin and English) on Saturday, March 5, 2 to 4 p.m. Info:, or 604-297-4422.


Sunday, Feb. 6

Burnaby Photographic Society showcase, with slide shows set to music, plus a print display, 7 p.m. at the James Cowan Theatre at Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, 6450 Deer Lake Ave. Info: [email protected], 604-351-9499.


Sunday, Feb. 7

Charlotte Diamond celebrates the release of Diamonds by the Sea, in concert with son Matt Diamond at Massey Theatre, 2 p.m. Info and tickets:


Tuesday, Feb. 9

When Poems and Paintings Entwine: Ekphrastic Poetry, a presentation by Royal City Literary Arts Society president James Felton revealing how visual art has inspired poetry, from Keats and Auden on up to the curren New West literary scene, 6:30 p.m. at the library, 716 Sixth Ave. Register at 604-527-4667 or [email protected].

Culture Chats, a neighbourhood intercultural book club, meets 6 to 8 p.m. at the McGill branch of Burnaby Public Library, 4595 Albert St. Info: Fiona, [email protected] or


Wednesday, February 10

Arts Council of New Westminster, in partnership with the Alliance for the Arts, is creating the New Westminster Cultural Roundtable, to help integrate the arts into the daily lives of the community, 7 p.m. at the Gallery at Queen’s Park. Info: 604-525-3244 or


Saturday, Feb. 13

Hearts and Garters, a funny and romantic burlesque romp for Valentine’s Day, with the ladies of Damask Burlesk, at the Columbia Theatre, 530 Columbia St., 8 p.m. Tickets in advance $30 VIP/$20 regular, or regular only at the door for $25. Buy through

West Coast Symphony performs as part of the Music at Queens concert series at Queens Avenue United Church, 529 Queens Ave., featuring Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 7. By donation. Info: or


Saturday, Feb. 13 to Saturday, March 12

Arctic Sojourn, an exhibition of work by Nicola Tibbetts, featuring painted observations of Iqaluit and Cape Dorset, at the Deer Lake Gallery, 6584 Deer Lake Ave., open Tuesday to Saturday noon to 4 p.m. Info:


Saturday, Feb. 13 to Friday, May 6

Takao Tanabe, Sumie: Ink Brush Paintings circa 1959-1960, a new exhibition at the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre, 6688 Southoaks Cres., Burnaby, with opening reception on Saturday, Feb. 13 from 3 to 5 p.m., calligraphy workshop on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. Curator’s tour, by Sherri Kajiwara, coming April 16 at 2 p.m. Sumie workshop on Saturday, April 30, 2 to 4 p.m. Info:


Sunday, Feb. 14

In the BAG, a free drop-in program at Burnaby Art Gallery, on the theme of Go Abstract, giving families a chance to drop in to the gallery to see the ongoing exhibition and then make their own art in the studio, 1 to 4 p.m. Info: or 604-297-4422.


Saturday, Feb. 20

Three crime authors present a reading at New Westminster Public Library, 716 Sixth Ave., featuring Allan JU. Emerson, Donald J. Hauka and Cathy Ace. Books for sale by authors (cash only), with reading starting at 2 p.m. Info: 604-527-4660 or


Friday, March 4

Full-day art studio for homelearners, offered by Burnaby Art Gallery, 9:30 to 2:30 p.m., for nine- to 17-year-olds, $38. Info:, 604-297-4422.


Tuesday, March 8

Culture Chats, a neighbourhood intercultural book club, meets 6 to 8 p.m. at the McGill branch of Burnaby Public Library, 4595 Albert St. Info: Fiona, [email protected] or


Saturday, March 12

Canadian singer-songwriter Jann Arden performs at Massey Theatre, 735 Eighth Ave., New Westminster, 7:30 p.m. Tickets $78.50 plus service charges, 604-521-5050 or


Irish Wakers perform a pre-St. Patrick’s Day concert at Queens Avenue United Church, 529 Queens Ave., with a repertoire of traditional Irish tunes, starting at 7:30 p.m. Concert is performed bistro-style in the gym, with refreshments. Info: or 604-522-1606.


Saturday, March 19

Luminescence, a group exhibition at Deer Lake Gallery, 6584 Deer Lake Ave., presented by the Burnaby Arts Council, with works exploring light in two and three dimensions, in celebration of the spring equinox. Info:


Saturday, April 2

The Music of Nat King Cole, performed by DonStewart, at 7:30 p.m. at Queens Avenue United Church, 529 Queens Ave. Tickets $20, seniors/students $15, children $10. Info: or 604-522-1606.


Tuesday, April 12

Culture Chats, a neighbourhood intercultural book club, meets 6 to 8 p.m. at the McGill branch of Burnaby Public Library, 4595 Albert St. Info: Fiona, [email protected] or


Saturday, April 30

West Coast Symphony performs with violinist Nancy DiNovo as part of the Music at Queens concert series at Queens Avenue United Church, 529 Queens Ave. Program features Korngold Violin Concerto and Brahms’ Symphony No. 4. By donation. Info:


Sunday, May 15

Vancouver Men’s Chorus performs at 7:30 p.m. at Queens Avenue United Church, 529 Queens Ave., as part of the Music at Queens concert series. Tickets $20 regular, $15 students/seniors, $10 children. Info: or 604-522-1606.


Tuesday, May 17

Culture Chats, a neighbourhood intercultural book club, meets 6 to 8 p.m. at the McGill branch of Burnaby Public Library, 4595 Albert St. Info: Fiona, [email protected] or




Bonsor Singin’ Seniors, a four-part harmony choir based in the Bonsor Recreation Centre, needs a volunteer accompanist. Choir rehearses from September through June, Fridays from 1 to 3 p.m., and performs several concerts and seniors’ care centres in December and May/June. If you can help, call Christine Leston at 604-516-0277 or email [email protected].

New Westminster Public Library, is holding a call for submissions for art exhibitions in the library. A new community art selection committee will choose artists to exhibit in the library’s public exhibition spaces. The call for submissions runs from Feb. 1 to 29. See the library website at for all the details starting Feb. 1, or email [email protected].

Anvil Centre’s Community Art Space is accepting group proposals for its 2017 exhibition schedule. Groupsof three or more local artists are invited to make proposals for exhibitions of two months in duration, with opportunities for artist outreach programs such as talks or workshops. Deadline March 7. Email [email protected] or call Biliana at 604-515-3822.

Artists invited to make submissions to the City of New Westminster’s community banners public art program. Deadline March 15. See for all the details.

Newcomers’ Choirmeets Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Open to everyone interested in improving their English-language or music skills, with an emphasis on multiculturalism and diversity. Free. See, or, for more, call 604-781-4704.

Enjoy singing? Burnaby Pacemakers Choiris looking for sopranos and altos. Music is light and varied. Choir rehearses on Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m. at Gordon Presbyterian Church, 7457 Edmonds St., Burnaby, 604-298-4843 or 604-434-9737.

Dance for Fun’s Swing and Country Club, Wednesdays from 6:30 to 11 p.m. at Sapperton Pensioners Hall, with music and lessons, plus snack bar. Enjoy the whole evening, including lesson, for $12, or dance only for $5. Email [email protected] or call 778-709-8880 for information, or see for details.

Got arty kids in the house? Anvil Centre, 777 Columbia St., New Westminster, offers a variety of hands-on art, music and other programs for kids. See to download a new brochure.


Email entertainment listings to [email protected].