Burnaby officials will take an international “friendship” trip to Japan later this year, despite a previous council decision to cancel a longer Asia trip due to cost concerns.
The trip to Japan will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Burnaby and Kushiro.
Kushiro invited Burnaby delegates to attend a gourmet event called Kushiro Tairyo Donpaku in September, according to a staff report read by council Tuesday.
Sister cities and “friendship cities” are international partnerships intended to foster economic development, trade and cultural exchange.
In December, council cancelled plans for a larger trip to friendship cities in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan due to poor optics and budget concerns.
But Coun. Pietro Calendino said the 60th anniversary of the Kushiro sister city relationship is a “landmark year.”
He said the group was waiting for Burnaby to approve the trip to Kushiro and would not come to Burnaby if it wasn’t a reciprocal exchange.
“The Japanese are very much tied to protocol, and the protocol requires that if they visit, the exchange visits should be done as well,” Calendino said.
“When that does not happen, it’s sort of offensive to them, diminishes their importance.”
Coun. Sav Dhaliwal added: “We want to share best practices, and yes, we want to share cultural and other things that we have in common.”
He said the trip is a “once-in-a-decade kind of thing.”
Coun. Richard Lee tried to amend the proposal to have Burnaby delegates pay for their own accommodations and meals, but no other councillors supported his amendment.
Lee said he would vote in favour of the trip but would not accept a subsidy for his meals or accommodations.
The money for the trip will come from the city’s gaming reserve, which comes from the local casino and not taxpayers.
Estimated costs for a seven-day trip to Japan per delegate are between $4,750 (for economy travel) and $6,750 (for business class), plus $15,000 for ground transportation, a hosting dinner and a token of appreciation.
Coun. Maita Santiago said she’s mindful of the tough economic climate, but added the trip can show the local community that the city values its relationship with Japan.
“Where some countries are increasingly being very isolationist, I think it’s all the more reason for us as a city to pursue these relationships,” she said.
But other councillors said the money could be put to better use.
Coun. Alison Gu said the cost of the trip is “just exorbitant,” and said even if the money comes from the gaming reserve, the city could spend it on something local like a playground.
She added the world has changed since the friendship cities program was established.
“I ultimately think that we need to be looking at how we can strengthen our local relationships, primarily, including with people of Japanese descent in our own community.”
Mayor Mike Hurley also opposed the trip.
“There’s no disrespect to anyone, but I just cannot justify spending this kind of money at this time.”
The trip was approved in a 5-4 vote.
Hurley, Gu, Daniel Tetrault and Joe Keithley opposed it, while Calendino, Dhaliwal, Lee, Santiago and James Wang supported it.
Delegates from Kushiro will come to Burnaby in July; the city also plans to rename Hawthorne Lane, a walkway near the Nikkei Centre, to Kushiro Lane or Kushiro Emmott Lane.
The estimated cost of the Kushiro delegation coming to Burnaby is $67,200.