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Letter: Why stop at parking spaces? Limit toilets in Burnaby highrises, too

This reader has a different take on limiting parking stalls in Burnaby highrises.
New limits?: Why stop at parking spaces? If we're going to place limits, let's restrict the number of toilets in highrises, too, this writer says.


I fully support Burnaby city council's proposal to reduce the number of parking stalls in highrises. This will undoubtedly reduce the number of cars on the road, which will result in cleaner air for us all, and that is a good thing. For us that still have cars, it will also mean less cars on the road, making it much easier for me to get around. Love it.

While we are on the subject of improving the environment, clean water is also something we need to address. We use way too much water in our city, and we need to reduce our consumption. To that end, council should also make it mandatory that all new highrises should only have one toilet per unit regardless of the size and number of bedrooms. This will greatly reduce the demand on our water supply system and greatly reduce the amount of sewage having to be treated at our water treatment centres. More clean water for everyone. Another good thing. 

Leo Buonassisi