Two summer events have been set up for volunteers to clear invasive species from areas in Burnaby.
The issue of invasive species is a serious one. They push out native plants, including endangered species, and destroy habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife. They can also cause erosion and silt problems in creeks and impact aquatic creatures.
Click on the links below to find out more details on the two events.
The benefits:
- Learn about how climate change affects Burnaby parks
- Meet new people!
- Spend time with your friends, family and colleagues making a positive impact
- Get exercise and fresh air
- Enhance and improve a local park space and increase biodiversity
- Gain career experience
- Add VOLUNTEER HOURS (We're looking at you high school students!!)
- Eat delicious refreshments!
- Receive environmentally friendlier rewards as a thank you
- Have FUN!